Driving and Parking Concerns

Dear Parents/carers,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to address a matter of great importance regarding the safety of our children and the surrounding community in relation to the parking situation outside the school premises.

Recently, we communicated with you about the challenges we faced with parking outside the school, and the subsequent actions taken to address this issue by placing cones on the roundabout. Regrettably, it has come to our attention that despite our efforts, some parents have continued to disregard the safety measures in place. It is concerning to witness parents parking in between the cones and over the school keep clear/zig zag lines, as evidenced in the photo below.

In response to this recurring issue, we have reported the instances of incorrect parking to Bromley Council, providing them with the necessary evidence for further investigation and action. Additionally, we have requested the support of Traffic Wardens to monitor and enforce proper parking conduct outside the school premises.

It is crucial to emphasise that these measures are implemented with the safety of our children at the forefront of our concerns. The disruptive parking practices not only pose risks to pedestrians and other road users but also obstruct access for emergency vehicles, potentially compromising the wellbeing of those within the school community.

Moreover, the continuous incidents of inappropriate parking have resulted in numerous complaints from our neighbours, tarnishing the reputation of the school. The reckless speeding behaviour exhibited by some parents further exacerbates the dangers posed to pedestrians and fellow road users, prompting us to urge all parents to demonstrate greater consideration for others.

Our Junior Traffic Ambassadors have been diligently promoting road safety awareness among students throughout the school year. It is disheartening to observe that certain parents/carers are failing to set a positive example for the children in terms of road safety practices. Consequently, our Junior Traffic Ambassadors have escalated this issue to the Bromley JTA co-ordinators for further action.

A heartfelt message from our Year 6 JTAs underscores the importance of responsible parking and road safety:

  • Park safely – refrain from parking on zig zags
  • Avoid parking on the roundabout
  • Do not obstruct pedestrian pathways by parking over kerbs
  • Consider walking to school if feasible
  • If driving is necessary, park further away from the school and walk the remaining distance to earn a 'walk to school' badge
  • Exercise caution and refrain from speeding within the school vicinity
  • Prioritise road safety by practising vigilance when entering/exiting roads
  • Extend courtesy and consideration to all individuals sharing the road environment

Your cooperation in fostering a secure environment around the school is greatly valued. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and promptly report any recurring issues to the relevant authorities in Bromley.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your ongoing support in ensuring the safety and well-being of our school community.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs E Bennett
