Latest News


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  • 24/05/22

    Year 3 & 4 Cross Country May 2022

    Well done to our Year 3 and 4 children who took part in the Bromley Cross Country last weekend. There was a total of 1,410 children running on Saturday morning from a number of Bromley schools. For all photos :
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  • 23/05/22

    Queen's Jubilee Celebrations

    We will be celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Thursday 26th May, parents and carers are welcome to join us from 2.30pm for the celebrations.  
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  • 01/04/22

    Easter Service at St Mary's Church

    Today the children visited our local church St Mary's for an Easter Service
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  • 09/03/22

    Comic Relief Friday 18th March

    Friday 18th March is Comic Relief day and we will be supporting this at the school, the children will be allowed to wear their own clothes to school on this day in exchange for a voluntary contribution of £1.00 to this worthy charity.
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  • 25/02/22

    World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March dress up day

    World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March - Celebrating 25 years of World Book Day
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  • 08/02/22

    Nursery 'Stay & Play' recommencing

    We are pleased to be able to let you know that Nursery 'Stay & Play' will recommence on Tuesday 1st march and then continue every Tuesday 2-3pm term time.   This is for all children from birth to school age and their parents/carers, no booking required - please come and join u...
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  • 31/01/22

    Holy Innocents' donation to school

    Holy Innocents' Catholic Church donation to school 
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  • 16/12/21

    Christmas Jumper Day 2021

    Christmas Jumper Day 2021 
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  • 30/11/21

    Bon Anniversaire!

    Bon Anniversaire! Years 4 and 5 have been learning all about birthdays in the last few French lessons.  We started by looking at the words for the numbers between 1 and 31, and then added the months of the year to that.  All the students have learnt how to say and write down their birth...
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  • 16/11/21

    Rememberance Day 2021

    Rememberance Day and supporting The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
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  • 05/11/21

    Children in Need Friday 19th November

    We will be supporting Children Need this year on Friday 19th november.
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  • 21/10/21


    Rockademy is coming to our school!
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