Student Leadership
St Paul's Cray is our school and we enjoy learning here! We treasure our school and our time here. Everyone is very kind and thoughtful; children and staff. We are very grateful to be part of such a friendly community.
We were voted into the position of School Council members by a democratic process of voting where all children had a vote. There are two school council members per class.
Our School Council is very important to us because we try to make our school better for everyone. We try to involve everyone in our activities too. When we think of ideas we ask our classmates about their opinions to see what they think. We then hold a school council meeting and put our ideas to the staff representative. our voice is listened to and there have been many positive changes made to the school because of this. (e.g. provision of bike sheds)
Junior Travel Ambassadors
The Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA) scheme is a programme designed for primary school pupils to take the lead in promoting safe, active and independent travel within their school communities. This is a very important role, which helps the children develop communication skills whilst making a valuable contribution to the school. Not only are the JTAs supported by a School Guide (a member of staff from their school), but also officers from the Road Safety Unit and Transport for London (TfL).
At the start of the school year, we host an induction day for new recruits. The Mayor of Bromley is usually in attendance to present the JTAs with a special badge and certificate. They also receive a JTA resource kit containing all the information, ideas and templates needed to carry out fun competitions and activities within the school. These activities could be:
- Maintaining displays within school
- Promoting our termly competitions
- Devising their own school competitions
- Giving short talks in assemblies
- Assisting with monitoring their school’s participation in Smart Movers
- Helping with Travel Plan tasks, such as collecting walking figures.
Collective Worship Committee
What is the Collective Worship Committee?
St Paul’s Cray C of E Primary School is developing a pupil committee who will aim to make collective worship more engaging for their peers.
The committee will be responsible for working with the teachers in selecting hymns and music, deciding which themes to cover and leading the whole school in prayer.
Through writing prayers, choosing music, creating presentations, evaluating collective worship in school and researching themes, committee members play a crucial role in the continuing improvement of our Church School.
Who can join the Collective Worship Committee?
Anyone in Year 5 is welcome to apply – letters of application should be completed and submitted to the school. Children will be selected from these applications.